
These are some of the side projects I've worked on in the past. Some of them were silly, but still fun!

Personal Portfolio

Personal Portfolio

LinkedIn is kinda boring, so I decided to make my own personal portfolio and learn NextJS meanwhile.

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La Scaloneta Fans Club

La Scaloneta Fans Club

I built this DAO during the 2022 World Cup to mitigate the anxiety while I waited for the final match. The intention was to create a community of fans, and eventually allow them to do fundraising for whatever they feel like. Deployed in Polygon with React and thirdwebJS.

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Winner Avalanche Hackathon '21/'22

Winner Avalanche Hackathon '21/'22

We won the prize for a bounty to build an API on top of Trader Joe (the Uniswap of Avalanche) as the protocol wanted to stop using thegraph. The API was read-only and it served DeFi data such as token prices, LP and farm stats, etc.

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Winner Spotify Hackweek 2021

Winner Spotify Hackweek 2021

I led 3-4 engineers in this project. We went from ideation to working prototype along with a multidisciplinary group of Spotifiers (> 10) that met on a Monday. We delivered a working prototype by the end of the week and won the hackathon. Bummer: I can't share what we did as it's confidential.

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Blockchain Specialization

Blockchain Specialization

I doubled down on blockchain and took this course. The program covered the fundamentals of zero-knowledge proofs, cryptography, smart contracts, oracles, etc.

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No Te Hagas el Sueco

No Te Hagas el Sueco

I like exercising my creative side, so I decided to launch my own podcast (in spanish) and share my experience of living in Sweden as an expat. I got X listeners over X months. I came up with the script and the producton of it end to end. Check it out!

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Winner Mulesoft Hackathon 2017

Winner Mulesoft Hackathon 2017

We built a prototype of the first product that used Machine Learning at the company. The idea ended up being patented.

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Personal tech blog

Personal tech blog

I love sharing knowledge in any form, so I decided to come up with my own blog on Medium. I mainly wrote about Spring Boot, and some Machine Learning when I was studying that in my masters. Some articles got published in Medium magazines.

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